The aim of the creation and activity of Laboratory is the appropriate ensuring of scientific works and educational process in University on modern scientific and technical levels in those areas of knowledge, where investigation and study can be performed by means of X-ray structural analysis: determination of phase composition, crystal structures and microstructural effects of substances and materials of different nature in solid state. The following statutory acts define the activity of the Laboratory:
- Laws of Ukraine “Про вищу освіту”, “Про наукову і науково-технічну діяльність”;
- Statute of University;
- orders of University rector;
- “Regulation about Interfaculty scientific-educational laboratory of X-ray structure analysis”.
The Laboratory is the organization subdivision of the University that must support the scientific activity and educational process. The staffing of the Laboratory is realizing according to the present list of members of staff of the University. The Laboratory staff consists of Scientific supervisor, Head of Laboratory and one Engineer of I category. The Laboratory is completed by devices and equipment that are necessary for the works on X-ray diffractometry and which must correspond to the approved sanitary code and world standards. At present time the Laboratory is equipped by: X-ray diffractometer facility “STOE Transmission Diffractometer System STADI P”; system of closed-water circuit and cooling “Cosmotec Industrial Cooling“; system unit with control software “STOE WinXPOW”; climate system “HAIER”.